Clearview Communities
Leader Resources
Practicing the Way is a all about forming people into fully-devoted followers of Jesus. It is a kind of curriculum for Christ-likeness. How it works: groups gather, learn, practice, and reflect - all around the way, truth, and life of Jesus.
Practicing the Way
The BibleProject
BibleProject’s Bible resources help people experience the Bible in a way that is approachable, engaging, and transformative. They do this by showcasing the literary art of the Scriptures and tracing biblical themes from beginning to end. Rather than taking the stance of a specific tradition or denomination, they create materials to elevate the Bible for all people and draw our eyes to its unified message.

Life Shared Small Group Series, by Alpha
Through Biblical teaching from leading Christian voices and real stories of invitation, each session explores what it means to live out God’s call to share our lives and our faith with friends, colleagues and neighbours.

YouVersion Bible
App Devotionals
YouVersion creates biblically centered, culturally relevant experiences that encourage and challenge people to seek God throughout each day. Find topical and seasonal devotionals for your group. This app is completely free to use!

Right Now Media
Is a streaming library of more than 20,000 Bible study videos for leaders to share with their people. There is something for everyone including men, women, young adults, youth, and kids studies you can access right from your home - for every topic - for free.

Unbelievable? is part of a UK Christian media organization that focusses on apologetics and theology. With host, Justin Brierly, this show/podcast/blog brings Christians and skeptics together for conversations that matter about faith.

Where to start when you want to start reading the Bible:
God’s Word is a delight for us; it is both a thing of substance and a source of enjoyment. It was given for us to know God and have a deeper, more satisfying relationship with him. Learn how to read the Bible for all it’s worth.